VetCompass Australia is developing a new resource, the Wildlife Zone, for collecting, compiling and reporting on wildlife rescue records. The variety of different hand-written and computer-based systems in use across the country presents a significant challenge for care providers, governing bodies and scientists who need to extract information to guide their knowledge, decision-making and resource allocation. Initially, the focus is on the clinical and rescue records of the koalas of New South Wales.
The Wildlife Zone offers a cost-effective way to compile, visualise, analyse and report on data from varied sources.
A section of the Veterinary and Animal Research Data Commons (VARDC) dedicated to wildlife data and information. This is the landing page for all the wildlife resources and includes links to critical information required by care organisations and wildlife hospitals.
Screenshot of VCA's Wildlife Zone landing pageThere is currently no standardised collection of records from wildlife care organisations. Instead of moving all such groups across to a single platform, VARDC offers the opportunity to allow each group to maintain their existing systems and autonomy, while also automatically reporting the relevant information to a centralised repository. This meets the needs of the local organisations as well as those of government and scientific bodies. There is also the option to digitise paper-based records using a combination of scanning, Optical Character Recognition software, and review, to ensure accuracy. Groups who are interested in using a new computerised approach can also take advantage of dedicated forms within the Wildlife Zone.
Diagram showing that the Wildlife Zone can accept data from various sources, converting them to a standardised format, then presenting the information in a meaningful way.
A simple online form available as an option for care organisations to use for recording the details of the animals that come into their care.
Screenshots of the online form, demonstrating the potential variations possible within the Wildlife Zone.A live, interactive dashboard that presents information to government, policy makers, care organisations and researchers (with permission). The visualisations and reports produced will be customised to meet stakeholder needs.
Screenshot of the Wildlife Zone's interactive dashboard